Thursday 17 September 2009

Day 3: Bouchet St Nicolas to Langogne

Jan's birthday. What's that? Did you say we were going to get lost and walk 30km?

Great night in l'Arrestadou ferme/auberge - wonderful food and a convivial host (not to mention free wine).

Leaving le Bouchet - luckily the weather picked up.

Our intrepid band heading out for another BIG DAY.

This is Bev and Robyn coming into Arejous the OTHER way - after our little jaunt off the map.

Lunch and protection from the wind - walkers' heaven.

Lovely scenery on the way into Pradelle.

Pradelle and only 5km to go :) This is where the host from l'Arrestadou showed up in his car with Eric's folder of important stuff - talk about above and beyond the call of duty!

This is a seriously interesting town, making us wonder why we didn't stay here for the night. Apparently some with less fortitude caught a taxi from here for the last 5 km. I'd like to point out that despite it being her birthday, and despite numerous offers, Jan decided to walk the rest of the way, even though she was in considerable pain from a gammy hip.

Jan sprinting towards Langogne (with Robyn for moral support).

"The long and winding road ......"

Too funny for words. For me (Neil) this was the least appetising meal on the walk, but the chef was so pleased with himself.

But the wine was good!

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